Auto Title
I purchased an auto ($8000.00) from a friend. Gave him a Bank Check and had him sign a bill of sale stating the money was going to be used to pay off car loan. It has been about 5 months and I can not get the Title from him. What should I do?
Re: Auto Title
You might have to sue for a rescission of the deal (which you cannot do in Magistrate Court), which means give the car back and get your money. If he has not paid off his loan by now, he likely is not going to, and the Bank will find the car and repossess it, leaving you with nothing. You also cannot sell it without a title. It was a mistake buying a car this way, for this very reason.
Scott Riddle
Scott B. Riddle, Attorney
Suite 1530 Tower Place, 3340 Peachtree Road
Atlanta, GA 30326