Auto hitting my grandson on his bicycle
My grandson was riding his bicycle in our mobile home park and he was on the wrong side of the road. As he turned the corner a car hit him. He was not injured only shaken up. The owner of the car is now telling me that I need to repair her car. Am I legally responsible to pay for the damages? She refuses to turn it into her auto insurance, and claims my grandson was at fault. What do I do?
Re: Auto hitting my grandson on his bicycle
If you don’t have legal custody of your grandson, it is unlikely you could be held liable for property damage. The parents or guardian of your grandson should contact an attorney about possibly making an injury claim even if he was just “shaken up,” maybe in a few days he will feel worse.
Michael Stone
Law Offices of Michael B. Stone Toll Free 1-855-USE-MIKE
3020 Old Ranch Parkway, Suite 300
Seal Beach, CA 90740