recovery of legal fees caused by a situation not of our doing A man used his…

recovery of legal fees caused by a situation not of our doing
A man used his mother’s power of attorney to deed himself our property. 15 acres. He & His atty used a 1940 deed and just signed everything to him.. We are out $500 to have our atty make them correct this. How can we recover our legal fees? We only learned of his actions by accident or we could have had real problems. He is not a very ethical or moral person…only greedy .

Can the State of California Take it All Our father has Alzheimers and is a…

Can the State of California Take it All
Our father has Alzheimers and is a total vegetable. Our mother died in Nov. 2004 and did not leave a will or trust. Our parents left their life insurance policies in each others’ names.
There is a checking account with my brother’s name and both parents’ names. There are separate IRAs in each parent’s name. My brother has Power of Attorney over my father because he cannot do anything like walking or talking.

The State of California has been paying for our father’s care in a healthcare home. Medicare stopped paying for my father’s care saying he has too many assets.

Is the bank account with our parent’s names and my brother’s name on divideable and if so, how?

We believe our mother’s life insurance policy goes to our father and when he dies, the State of California will take both policies. Would the same be true for the IRAs?

Can the State of California try to make my brother and I pay for our father’s care?

Power of Attorney and Estate question I have a grandma and a step grandfather,…

Power of Attorney and Estate question
I have a grandma and a step grandfather, they have been married for about 27 years, so we have my mom and her brothers / sisters from a different dad on my grandmas side and then children on my step grandfathers side of the family, within the last couple of years my step grandfather has been diagnosed with dementia or azhemiers something like that so my grandmother has been taking care of him, recently his oldest son went and got power of attorney over him with my grandmother not knowing and now his oldest son is saying that the apartment that my step grandfather owns and purchased only 4 months before my grandma and step grandfather got married is going to only be left to my step grandfathers side of the family. My question is even if the apartments are in my step grandfathers name and even if in his will he says he wants the property to go to his side of the family (ex. oldest son) doesn’t my grandmother still own half of the apartments because she is married to him? Also could she somehow get power of attorney instead of the oldest son having it? and finally does my grandmother being his wife have the right to look at the power of attorney documents that were written up between my step grandfather and his oldest?

Form Power of Attorney is a ”form” power of attorney which has places for…

Form Power of Attorney
is a ”form” power of attorney which has places for you to
initial in duties legal in Virginia? This form was purchased from Office Max. It does not give anything specific ex. ( ) real estate tranactions ( ) business
transactions ( ) gifts the person using this power of
attorney did not use the one drawn up my our fathers attorney instead she bought this one and when a handwriting expert came to examine it the defendant had it
laminated. While alive my father was shown a copy of this
and he said he did not remember signing it and those were
not his initials. please help