Power of attorney
My uncle has power of attorney of medical and financial over my grandmother. If he has taken her to a doctor to prove her imcompetent can she still make decisions on where she wants to live. She owns a home in Illinois and my uncle has put her in an assistant living facility. She is asking us if we can bring her home. Am not sure in Wisconsin if to prove her incompetent if it must go through courts.
Author Archives: admin
childcustody My ex husband has custody of my 2 children they are 9 and 10…
My ex husband has custody of my 2 children they are 9 and 10 yeahrs old . When we divorced i told him he can have full custody sence i didnt have a job and im from another country so i didnt really know the laws. Everything went good with me seeing my kids all the time till he got another women now they are not married . He gave her Power of attorney for the children for educational desions and medical treatment. He is a out on the road all week due to his work so his new women had the kids all week. She is telling me i cant see the kids and when there is a problem while the kids are with me i call there dad on the phone she tells me i cant call him i have to talk to her and if i call again she will restrict me from seeing the kids . She said i have no rights no visitation or anyhting. What are her rights and what are my rights?
My brother has an illegal power of attorney over our mother, he had signed…
My brother has an illegal power of attorney over our mother, he had signed after she was diagnosed with Alzheimer’s, he is trying to rent her house out and have the check come in his name, how would I go about going to court and getting athe POW cancelled! He also has been misusing her money with no accountabilty, does he have to keep records of the money he has spent and what for?
power of attorney If there was no will, would the person who has power of…
power of attorney
If there was no will, would the person who has power of attormey,become the executor of the estate
My sister and I have a problem with a mobile home my mother…
My sister and I have a problem with a mobile home my mother left us when she died in 2007. The mobile home is in a mobile home park east of Sacramento. The problem is that she left legal language in her documents to give a “Gift of Right of Occupancy” to a male friend of hers who had lived with her as a friend. They were never married, so there is no legal relationship that my sister and I have with him. The man’s blood relations have not taken care of him, but his son stole items from our mother’s mobile home when he was visiting his father once. However, my sister and her husband, myself and the rest of my family have treated him (the father) like a family member. He is in his mid-80s and fell recently, shattering his hip. After surgery in the hospital and a short recovery period, the attending doctor determined that he could not be without full-time care and so he was discharged to a skilled nursing facility. Here is our problem: he has not met the terms of the “Right of Occupancy” for quite some time, has been addicted to Vicadin for over 2 years and has not kept up the maintenance of the property to the point that we have had to pay thousands of dollars in repairs that could have been avoided. Additionally, his blood daughter has Power of Attorney, and his checkbook, so we do not know what to do. We need to remove his things from the mobile home, do whatever we can to clean up the mess he has left behind and repair whatever other damage has occurred from what was not maintained and try our best to sell the mobile home as soon as possible because of the great loss we have already incurred. We cannot rent the property, for it is against the mobile park regulations. I have looked online at the CALIFORNIA CIVIL CODE DIVISION 2, PART 2, CHAPTER 2.5, MOBILEHOME RESIDENCY LAW AND CHAPTER 2.6 RECREATIONAL VEHICLE PARK OCCUPANCY LAW and cannot figure out how our situation relates to the code since he is not a “renter” or “tenant”, as far as I understand it. However, I also see the 3-day eviction notice conditions and realize he has broken the conditions of his “Right of Occupancy” over and over, so again, we don’t know what to do.
Do you have any ideas to help or can you direct us to the correct code sections that might cover this type of thing?
Many thanks for your kindness,