Executor of Moms Will I am the executor of my Mothers will,she passed away on…

Executor of Moms Will
I am the executor of my Mothers will,she passed away on 9/27/08.I noticed with all the paper work I had to do that my sister was using my mothers check book and credit card.My mother was dieing of cancer and was in and out of the hospital.Also the last 6 weeks of her life ,hospice was involved to keep mom out of pain.It got to the point she could not make any decisions with all the pain meds she was on.When I asked my sister why she was using moms checks and credit card,she told me Mom said it was o-kay.I cannot ask my Mother because she passed away.My sister said that she has a witness saying she could sign Moms name on personal checks and moms credit card.My sister did not have power of attorney to do anything.If my sister said she had a witness to sign moms name ,is that hear-say.I told her what she did was wrong .To me that is considered forgery of checks and credit cards.Thank You

Is there a such thing as a power of attorney fee?

Is there a such thing as a power of attorney fee?
I have taken care of my mother-in-laws affairs for 2 years and have a law suit against a nursing home. I have power-of attorney. She will be settling with the nursing home soon and now her son who has been non-existant in her life these 2 years wants power-of-attorney. I would like for her burial expenses to be taken care of as well as other preparations for her, however I also believe that when her son gets the money from the law suit none of this will be don for her.She will not see any substantial amount of this money for herself. Is their a fee I can claim for the work I’ve done for her these past 2 years of handling her affairs?

Fighting a Power At the present time my boyfriend and I are residing at his…

Fighting a Power
At the present time my boyfriend and I are residing at his decesed grandmothers home. Is aunt has power of attorney and the house presently has a lien on it for the next 3yrs. A family member has to live there until that time and then they will have a chance to purchase the home. We have been living there for a year now and signed an aggrement with the family to take over the property and stay until the lein is up, and then purchase to keep the house for the family. Now the family has sent us a letter stating that they want another family to move in and us to move out. Legally can they do this even though we signed an agreement, and if we want to puchase the house can he and not have to move?