trust fund My elderly mother is selling her home in Washington state to live…

trust fund
My elderly mother is selling her home in Washington state to live with me in Colorado. Can her money be put in some kind of account that can be secured for her? My brother has power of attorney and my sister and I feel he and his family will deplete her money if he puts his name on her account. She does have a will and we are all to recieve equal amounts. She is also losing her memory, so we are very concerned about what we can do before closing.

Selling a property when there is no power of attorney I am one of five siblings…

Selling a property when there is no power of attorney
I am one of five siblings whose mother is incompetent. I believe there is no power of attorney. She is currently living with one sibling who has not paid taxes on her property or his own since 1997. He has told his siblings he would be taking care of this when we found out a few weeks ago but has not. Both houses are still on the anticipated auction list; soon to be put on confirmed auction. If we can arrange payments of the tax liens on my mother’s property, would siblings be able to sell property without power of attorney or do we need to wait until it becomes part of her estate? Also, what would it take to force the sibling in control to reveal all her financial records to the other four? He is thankfully taking fairly good care of her, however, he refuses any outside help, nursing home for mom,or help with paying bills, etc. I don’t know if he has been paying her other bills, but he has been handling her finances for about 15 years. Answers to my questions and any other advice would be greatly appreciated.

Wills & Trust My 94 year old dad married his caregiver and has subsequently died.

Wills & Trust
My 94 year old dad married his caregiver and has subsequently died. All his assets were apparently put into a trust in her name. She has cut off all contact with his family. How/who do we contact regarding his will and/or the trust? Can a trust be contested? Since she refuses to to speak to us, we are in the dark. My sister had power of attorney as well as being executor, however, when the caregiver married dad, all power as well as financial information shifted to her.

power of attorney in lousinana my husband gave power of attorney to his father…

power of attorney in lousinana
my husband gave power of attorney to his father years ago. We married last year. He works out of town. Our Tax person says I need power of attorney to handle our busness. Also if something happend to my husband, would everything of his have to–name removed–through his father? Do I need to get power of Attorney? Is the power of Attorney he gave his father still in affect? He gave it to his father about 8 years ago. What are my rights as a wife? We live in Lousiana