Revocation of Power of attorney Background 1.

Revocation of Power of attorney
1. ‘A’ gave a registered GPA to ‘B’ in 1990 for sale of property. B entered into an agreement of sale with A for a consideration
2. ‘A’ revoced the GPA on 3-1-2005.
3. B registered the property in his wife’s name on 10-1-2005
4. concealing the revocation, B’s wife sold the property to ‘C’ in 2006 (sale deed registered without the issue of revocation popping up,all parties concealing the same). ‘A’ signed as confirming party to the deed.
5. Title of ownership is not being transfered inthe name of ‘C’ by the office (the tilte is still in the name of A)
Please advice on:

1. what should C do now? Is there any recourse
2. Can the revocation of GPA be cancelled by A now?
3. Can ”A’ issue a fresh GPA (not registered) (back dated )in the name of B’s wife to make the sale deed valid
4. Is there any legal recourse for mental agony
5. will a No objection certificate from ‘A’ suffice now?


Order to Transport Defendant My fiance was arrested in Pinellas County for 3…

Order to Transport Defendant
My fiance was arrested in Pinellas County for 3 charges, 2 of which he has probation for, the other one is a current charge of Fraudulent use of Personal ID info. He also has a charge in Hillsborough county for FTA Burglary of an Occupied Dwelling. He was transfered from Pinellas to Hills. and is currently in Hills. county right now.

My question is: What could he or I do (as I have power of attorney) to stop the order granting that he return to Pinellas so that he could go to Pre-trial in Pinellas?

He was wanting to finish the Hillsborough county case before being transfered back to Pinellas county, what can be done, if anything???

Thank you

Power of Attorney My father wants to grant me power of attorney for a real…

Power of Attorney
My father wants to grant me power of attorney for a real estate transaction that he is involved with. I have bought the form that is entitled District of Columbia Limited Power of Attorney for Real Estate Transactions. THe form does not specifically mention the District though. Is this the correct form? Also, once the form has been notorized, what are the next steps. I understand that it has to be there for the settlement, but does it have to be recorded with the District of Columbia? Are there any other steps that have to be taken once the form is notorized?
Thank you.

proprety own before mariage our son bought a car, the loan is under his father…

proprety own before mariage
our son bought a car, the loan is under his father name and he is the co-signer. the title was put under our son name. since he got married, he is deployed in iraq, his wife took all his money, and he is filling for divorce. she has the car and doesn’t want to give it back. he has made all payments and is paying the insurance. we have power of attorney.can we take the car?can we or he sell the car?