Medical records of deceased mother My mother passed away quite suddenly of…

Medical records of deceased mother
My mother passed away quite suddenly of breast cancer. Both my sister (who has power of attorney) and I have called the oncologist who treated our Mom and left messages for the doctor to call us. My Mother had 3 daughters and 2 granddaughters we want information to tell our doctors. The doctor has not returned any of our phone calls.
How can we proceed to get this necessary information? My sister does have power of attorney and is the personal representative of our Mother’s estate.

Out of State power of Attorney My son requires a power of attorney for his…

Out of State power of Attorney
My son requires a power of attorney for his fathers affairs. Not much to take care of but my son’s Uncle has stated he would take care of the estate for my son. How do we get a very simple power of attorney stating to take care of the affairs of my son’s father. The forms on line are quite lenghty and do not state what we think we need specifically. My son lieves in Maryland, his father lived and died in florida. The Uncle lives in Illinois

My dad and his three wife divorce a couple of years ago.

My dad and his three wife divorce a couple of years ago. They had two girls together. The girls’ mother is not able to at care of them. This February my dad brought my sisters to live with me because his fourth wife did not want them. He does not have legal papers for this. He only has a notarize paper for Power of Attorney .