property issues
My boyfriend was recently incarserated in May ive been doing what i can sence then to ensure that hell have his property when hes released. Ive gotten power of attorney, closed his banking account and got a duplicated title. His family took all his bond money, switched the tags on his car.(which his sister is now driving.)and they wont give me none of his other property.(books, clothes, college notes,…..ect.)everywere i go i get the run a round, they tell me i have no power over his phisical property, or they say that i cant do anything sence were not married. What can i do to resolve this, and still be sure that he can have his property when hes released?
Author Archives: admin
contesting power of attorney how long do you have to contest a power of…
contesting power of attorney
how long do you have to contest a power of attorney in the state of Georgia?
my grandpa passed away in november my grandparents raised me till i was 15.
my grandpa passed away in november
my grandparents raised me till i was 15. i am 31. my mom is deceased. so is my grandma. my grandpa dies in november of 2008. my aunt has some sort of power of attorney, i know for sure w/ his health issues and she cared for him the year prior to his passing. i have s/w her a few times and she keeps talking about all of these home improvements they are making and i know the house has been transfered to her and hewr husbands name in early april. not once has she said oh your granddad left you this or that or anything. not even the material keepsakes. what do i do?
When does my first Mortgage Payment Begin?
When does my first Mortgage Payment Begin?
I bought a property in DFW area of TX. I was out of the country when escrow closed. I gave Power Of Attorney to friend to sign for me. The 1st set of documents was signed on Dec 01, 2005. The 2nd was signed on Dec 7th. Escrow settlement papers showed that the Title Co prorated the rent (from Tenants) on Dec 8th. when they received the 2nd batch of documents that they sent to my friend and was signed on Dec 07. No Borrower’s copies of documents signed were left with my friend. The title co. Lady informed me over the phone that my first payment is due on 2/1/06.
The Mortg. Co. has sold the loan. Now the first Mortg Co. is asking for a payment they said was due Jan 1. They said that the papers were dated November 30th. & the loans got funded on Nov. 30. They insist that though we signed the papers on Dec 1 & 7, their papers were prepared & dated for November 30th & thus I am liable to pay mortgage on Jan 1 (3 weeks after we signed the papers)
They refused to answer:
1)How can my loan fund before we signed anything?
2)If my loan fonded 11/30/05 why then did they prorate the rent?
Pls, when did the building become mine? Finally, what should I do to make these people let me start paying my notes starting Feb 1, 2006?
Power of Attorney and Executor of Will My 75 year old uncle would like for me…
Power of Attorney and Executor of Will
My 75 year old uncle would like for me to handle his affairs if he becomes unable to because of his health. He is in failing health now and would like this taken care of before he dies.
A power of attorney was drawn up with myself having the power of attorney.
He believes this not only gives me power to act as he would while he is still alive, but to settle his estate upon his death.
I have been told by others that the power of attorney will expire upon his death, at which time I will have no say as to his estate.
He has no surviving spouse and has 1 son whom he no longer talks to. His wishes are to leave his son $1 upon his death and to leave me the balance of his estate.
My question is, will the power of attorney expire upon his death.
When he makes a will out can he legally leave me
his entire estate with the exception of $1