final will and testament My father died and left 1/25 of his estate to me 1/25…

final will and testament
My father died and left 1/25 of his estate to me 1/25 of his estate to my sister and 1/10 to his five grandchildren the estate consist of his home and his bank account. My sister has the power of attorney and she refuses to let us in the house. She also has been taking money out of the account. She says we cant have our part until the house sells is this true.

Power of Attorney – Missing Husband I have been married 16 years and have four…

Power of Attorney – Missing Husband
I have been married 16 years and have four children. My husband is an alcoholic/drug addict and took off with another woman. He has abandoned me and the kids and left us with no money and is not supporting the family. Everything is in his name or both. There has been no contact for a few weeks. He was the sole provider for this family and now I am in jeopardy of losing my home and having everything shut off. What are my rights and can I get the house and everything put in my name because he can’t be found

car titles in Missouri & Power of Attorney My daughter in law purchased a car…

car titles in Missouri & Power of Attorney
My daughter in law purchased a car before she married my son…her name is on the loan (her mom co-signed the loan but has since filed bankruptcy)…My daughter in laws name is on the title AND her moms name is on the title. My daughter in law and son want to trade in the car and get a new car in their names (no co-signer needed) but since they are not speaking to her mom she is not signing the title but said something about signing a Power of Attorney…Will that suffice in place of her signing the actual car title?