My mother is dying of cancer and very incoherent because of the medication. How do I become her power of attorney? I am already her health care sarrogate. She has property that needs to be sold, can I sell it for her?
Author Archives: admin
emergency conservator My mother is in the hospital and is unable to sign her…
emergency conservator
My mother is in the hospital and is unable to sign her checks to pay her bills. She has no power of attorney. I am on her savings account, but cannot sign her checks. What can I do without paying outrageous fees?
Son’s divorce and mother has power of attorney.
Son’s divorce and mother has power of attorney.
My son is in the marines. He filed is on divorce in Kansas and they have a separation agreement done. My guestion is I have power of attorney. Can i go to court for him and represent him at the final court hearing.
If I move, do I have to change my address on my legal papers?
If I move, do I have to change my address on my legal papers? i.e. will, power of attorney contract, etc.?
Burial requests My father-in-law died, and my mother-in-law knew his request…
Burial requests
My father-in-law died, and my mother-in-law knew his request was to be buried in a national cemetary (military). Now, 2 of his daughters have said they have a notorized leter stating his wishes to be buried elsewhere. No one has seen this leter yet, but the funeral is (of course) a few days away and my mother-in-law is worried. She does not have power of attorney, is there any way they can force a change in the burial plans that have been made?