subject My mom filed bankruptcy.

My mom filed bankruptcy. It went through. She was allowed to stay in the house until further low income housing was avialable.She has now passed away with no will and no power of attorney to any of her 3 children. She also had a car that was paid for. Does the contents of the house have to go through probate? If it does not what is the legal way of distrabution of the personal propery and do we have to have it appraised for value for probate.Will the car be included?
The funeral is paid for and she has a few grand in her account.

proof of a foreign power of attorney Dear friend, I am dealing with a civil…

proof of a foreign power of attorney
Dear friend,

I am dealing with a civil case where the opposite party has set up a power of attorney alleged to have been executed by certain persons residing in Malaysia. I want to prove that the said power of attorney is not a genuine document. My client has been to Malaysia and could not trace the said person i.e. by those whom the power of attorney is purported to have executed. Now the problem is how to proceed in the courts here i.e. how to prove that it is not a genuine document. Since document has been embossed as required under the law, the same carries a presumption of truth under the Indian Evidence Act and as such the onus is on us to prove the same is not genuine Any relevant case law shall be highly appreciated.

With warm regards,

Power of attorney.

Power of attorney.
What are the duties and powers of power of attorney,with respect to an elderly family member(care responsibilities of that elderly person) and the other children in the family.

Is it legal to get a mortgage in a deceased person’s name?

Is it legal to get a mortgage in a deceased person’s name?
If I live in my mother’s house, and I have power of attorney at her death and I am the executor of her estate, and all of her assets are distributed to me, is it legal for me to keep the home in her name, and obtain loans in her name if the will states it? Also can I keep the joint accounts that are in mine and her name like checking account, credit card, etc the same, with her name on them?

Conservation Easement I am a 1/3 heir, along with my siblings respectively…

Conservation Easement
I am a 1/3 heir, along with my siblings respectively receiving 1/3 also. We are to share and share alike. First, it states that the executrix may sell any and all property belonging to the estate, but not divide any of the real estate. The it goes on to state that her power includes the power to ”donate a conservation easement on all or part of my real property to a qualified organization, of my Executor’s choosing.. 1.Is it legal for the executrix to have rewritten and signed the will for my father while she was legal power of attorney and he was in diminished mental capacity? 2.Can she enter us into a binding conservation easement when 2/3 of the heirs are adamately opposed to it? 3.Who can contest the will itself since there is a poison pill clause? 4. Does the attorney she hired to represent her (paid by estate funds) who wrote the will, owe a responsibility to all heirs in the estate?