”Hold Harmless” clause
I’m preparing a General Release and was asked to include a ”Hold Harmless” clause. What is the correct wording for this?
”Hold Harmless” clause
I’m preparing a General Release and was asked to include a ”Hold Harmless” clause. What is the correct wording for this?
Re: ”Hold Harmless” clause
ok here you go..in most cases…
“[Party] agreees to indemnify and hold harmless [other party] for all…..(whatever)…arising out of….
Any questions, feel free to contact me at 845-878-2163 or at Groezinger@Law.com.
Good Luck
Robert R. Groezinger
GroezingerLaw P.C.
P.O. Box 23 – Patterson, NY
Mid-hudson Valley + Nyc, NY 12563