Co-signing a Rental Lease
If the orginal signer of a rental agreement defaults on the lease, does the rentor have to persue the main signer first before they can go after the co-signer?
Co-signing a Rental Lease
If the orginal signer of a rental agreement defaults on the lease, does the rentor have to persue the main signer first before they can go after the co-signer?
Re: Co-signing a Rental Lease
No, the owner is not obligated to pursue the primary signatory on the lease, unless the lease says so. Once the lease has been defaulted upon, the owner can pursue both the primary and secondary signatories separately, together, or however he chooses. As a practical matter, however, most owners tend to pursue the primary signatory first.
Joseph T. Bernstein
Joseph T. Bernstein
12837 West Arizona Place
Lakewood, CO 80228